[Building Sakai] Deploy search into a smaller build?

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Wed Mar 31 06:49:04 PDT 2010

There a couple of ways of doing this:

1) Grab the search code and do a mvn clean install sakai:deploy - all
the deploy targets are all there
2) Grab the overlay and unzip it into your tomcat
3) edit the deployer pom (or create a new one to do 2)

Anthony and I have been discussing splitting the core deploy in 2,
basically services and tools in seperate poms. This would make it
theoreticaly easy to get a cafe + some extra services buidls easily
(This is what I find I usually end up running)


On 03/31/2010 03:35 PM, Matthew Buckett wrote:
> Now lots of things are using core-deploy when developing in a
> framework/cafe build how can I deploy just the search api? Previously
> I'd have just done:
> cd search/search-api/api
> mvn install sakai:deploy
> Or how can I just deploy the search tomcat-overlay?
> I don't want the whole of core-deploy as it slows down the startup of Sakai?

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