[Building Sakai] Release Management Call: 2.7 Jira review, Thurs-Friday, 1-2 April 2010, 10AM EDT

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Tue Mar 30 06:19:47 PDT 2010

The 2.7 Jira review calls are scheduled for Thursday and Friday of this week.  The Thursday call extends the regular RM call by one hour.  Friday's call occurs on a different bridge (Sakai-002).  In both cases note that the conference code is prefixed with "22".


In line with our previous 2.6.2/2.5.6 review the goal of the calls is to triage the list of non-security open/resolved Jiras (including Indie projects), identifying those issues that must be addressed for 2.7.0 against those that can be pushed off to future maintenance releases (e.g., 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.0).  


The calls are open to everyone.  In particular, the review sessions would benefit greatly from the participation of project leads.  You don't need to call in on both days or feel obliged to sit in on an entire two hour call if you do call in.  The release management/QA team needs the advice of those closest to the code (especially, assignments, osp, indie projects, etc.) as we work up our recommendations regarding the "must-have" set of issues that need to be addressed before we can release 2.7.0 to the the general public.

If you can't make either of the calls feel free to send me a list of the outstanding Jira tickets that you believe need to be addressed before releasing 2.7.0 (the Samigo team, for instance, has provided Alan with a list).  If you want to call in at a particular time send me an email with the time you want to call in.  We'll try an organize the call so that we can address the issues you raise as quickly as possible when you call in.

Telephone: +1 812 856 7060
Polycom or Lifesize:
Tandberg or XMeeting: 22X at
GDS E.164: 0011439X

Thursday, 1 April, 10 AM EDT (Sakai001 bridge)

Conference Code: 22348#
PIN: 72524#

Friday, 2 April, 10 AM EDT (Sakai002 bridge)

Conference Code: 22350#
PIN: 72524#





Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anthony Whyte <arwhyte at umich.edu>
> Date: March 26, 2010 12:39:29 PM EDT
> To: Sakai QA <sakai-qa at collab.sakaiproject.org>, Developers Sakai-Dev <sakai-dev at collab.sakaiproject.org>
> Subject: RM call: 2.7 Jira open tickets review (non-security); proposed dates/times
> As discussed in yesterday's release management meeting I have reserved a number of call-in time slots next week for the purpose of reviewing open 2.7-related Jira tickets.   In line with our previous 2.6.2/2.5.6 review the goal of the calls is to triage the list of non-security open/resolved Jiras (including Indie projects), identifying those issues that must be addressed for 2.7.0 against those that can be pushed off to future maintenance releases (e.g., 2.7.1, 2.7.2).  
> Once the list of "must-haves" have been compiled, dissenting opinions can be taken to the lists for discussion and debate.  After the "must-haves" have been addressed we should be able to issue our first sakai-2.7.0-rc01 release candidate.
> Currently, there 260+ open 2.7-related Sakai project Jira tickets as well as another 280+ open tickets--not all 2.7-related--spread across the various independent releases (not counting the kernel).  The spread of blocker/criticals (n=61) is as follows:
> Sakai blocker, critical = 45
> Kernel blocker, critical = 9
> Samigo blocker, critical = 5
> Msgcntr critical = 1
> Profile2 critical = 1
> Sitestats blocker, critical = 0
> BasicLTI blocker, critical = 0
> There may be other tickets beyond those flagged as blocker/critical that need to be assessed for 2.7.0 inclusion/exclusion (e.g., i18n or accessibility-related issues or tickets mis-prioritized).  It would be helpful if community members with an interest in these areas also make time to attend one or more of the calls.
> The discussion is open to anyone in the Community interested in helping triage the issues.  However, given the open nature of the discussion, security-related tickets will NOT be discussed (if security issues exist they will be handled by the Security WG).
> I've extended next Thursday's RM call for an additional hour.  In addition I've reserved a 2 hour time slot on Friday.  These times work well for RM regulars such as David Horwitz, Seth Theriault and Alan Berg.
> Thur, 1 April, 10 AM - NOON EDT, Sakai-001 bridge (regular RM call extended for two hours)
> Fri, 2 April, 10 AM - Noon EDT, Sakai-002 bridge
> If the proposed Thurs/Friday time slots proves problematic for you, I have also reserved the Sakai-003 bridge on Tuesday and Wednesday.
> 30 Mar, Tues: 10 - Noon EDT, Sakai-003 bridge
> 31 Mar, Wed: 10 - Noon EDT, Sakai-003 bridge
> If you plan to attend and have a call in time preference, please let me know.  If none of these times work for you and there are non-security-related tickets that you want to highlight for inclusion in 2.7.0 we can discuss them online.
> I will follow up with a final date/time announcement along with a Confluence page with links to outstanding Jira tickets.
> Cheers,
> Anth

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