[Building Sakai] GSoC 2010 Sakai Mashup:(Does sakai uses SlingPostServlet method or WebDAV method to deal with JCR contents)

Subash Chaturanga subashsdm at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 02:22:51 PDT 2010

Hi ,

As Mr. Zach A. Thomas said :  I started to get familiar with apache sling
which i thought would be useful for Sakai Mashup project.

So in sakai when users creates ,upload  data they falls  in to JCR.And apche
sling is used by sakai for this purpose (As i figured out).

So in apache sling ,to modify content in a JCR repository there are two
ways. *WebDAV* and *SlingPostServlet.

* The documentation in sling mainly focuses on *SlingPostServlet * to add
,remove and do modification to the content which is simply by  a POST

So Does sakai uses  *SlingPostServlet *method or *WebDAV* method to deal
with JCR contents ?

I would be really happy to get some more guide whether i am in the right
path in developing Sakai MashUp in this SoC 2010.

Best Regards
*  *
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