[Building Sakai] Tinkering with Hudson again

Maurer, Christopher Wayne chmaurer at iupui.edu
Thu Mar 18 06:16:36 PDT 2010

Hey folks,
I've been tinkering with Hudson a little bit again and am still having problems getting a job to build as a maven 2 project.  If I do it as a "free-style software" project it'll work.  There's got to be something up with my configuration.  Every time it gets to the step of "Parsing POMs", it runs out of heap space.  I've been changing around the maven_opts and java_opts and setting various mem options for the job as well as global maven opts in hudson but nothing seems to be working.
Can anyone out there that is running hudson share any of their config/setup so I could compare and see what I may be doing wrong?

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