[Building Sakai] Sakai_session and Sakai_event timestamps

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Tue Mar 16 07:20:35 PDT 2010

Hi Sonette,

The most anyone seems to know about this issue is that it's Oracle-specific, and there doesn't seem to be anything obviously wrong with the Sakai code. I'd perhaps look at issues like the Oracle driver version. It might be helpful to identify an Oracle site that doesn't have this issue, and see what is different from your setup.

>>> "Yzelle, Sonette" <SYzelle at unisa.ac.za> 3/16/2010 3:25 PM >>> 
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Hi All,

We are experiencing problems with some of our dates on sakai_session and sakai_event tables.
This problem was reported in 2009 (SAK-11916<http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-11916>), however the bug was closed as they could not reproduce the bug.  Has anyone by any change got a solution for this? Is there anyone else experiencing the same problem?  It is not happening to hundreds of records, maybe ten a week.  We are using the timestamps for stats so it is influencing our statistics.


Sonette Yzelle
Analyst Developer
South Africa
syzelle at unisa.ac.za

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