[Building Sakai] cleaning up the Sakai web services

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 05:46:11 PST 2010

Hi all,

I am looking to cleanup and consolidate the current suite of web services, but have a few queries about some of the JWS files that are in there.

The main web service sets are:

SakaiLogin - remote login/logout functionality
SakaiScript - the main set of administrative functions
Portfolio - portfolio functions

However, there are a number of others which are undocumented and sometimes duplicate existing functionality in the main ones above.  In particular, I would like some information about the following:

SakaiSigning.jws - I believe this is used by the LinkTool, but in what capacity? I can't find any working reference to it in the code.

Are these being used? It seems reasonable that the functionality from these could be rolled into either SakaiLogin or SakaiScript, which will make maintenance and testing easier, and might bring some useful functionality to the general population, or remove them entirely, if they are not being maintained/used.

So if you have any information about the state of the above web service sets, or are dependent on these locally, can you please let me know.

See also: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-18136


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