[Building Sakai] Task List Tool Exercise

Webmaster postaeum at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 21 10:20:49 PDT 2010


I'm trying to take the task list tool exercise working, but I have difficulties 
to embed the project in the sakai framework.

When I'm trying to build the code with mvn 

shell>mvn clean install sakai:deploy

the following message appears:

[INFO] Cannot execute mojo: clean. It requires a project with an existing 
pom.xml, but the build is not using one.

It seems that the pom.xml file is missing.

If I build the entire sakai framework, from the root source folder, eg. 
/opt/sakai-2.6.2, everything works fine, but, after I start sakai, I can't find 
the tasklist tool among the other tools.

I also tried to install App Builder plugin, but I get the message:

"There are not categorized  items"

Could somebody help me to get the exercise working?

Thank you!

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