[Building Sakai] wsetup.home.toolids and Home page synoptic tool order

Branden Visser branden at uwindsor.ca
Fri Jul 2 08:39:42 PDT 2010

Hi all, I'm trying to grasp how synoptic tool ordering on a page is
supposed to be controlled.. here are some things I'm uncertain about:

1. Are any of the QA servers running with the wsetup.home.toolids
properties? [1] If so, can someone copy/paste the configuration for me?

2. Is the order of tools in wsetup.home.toolids supposed to affect the
vertical order of synoptic tools when added to a page?

3. Are the "layout hints" applied to a tool on a page supposed to affect
the *vertical* order in the page? There seems to be another ordering
mechanism that strictly over-rides this (i.e., the ordering function in
the admin 'Sites' tool)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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