[Building Sakai] Create and share Google Sites with new Sites Data API features

Thomas Amsler tpamsler at ucdavis.edu
Tue Jan 26 21:13:52 PST 2010

This looks promising:



Here's an example of the kinds of applications you can build with
those features. Let's say you're a professor at a university and you'd
like to create a Google Site for each of the courses you teach. The
Site feed makes it possible for you to create a site course template,
use the site feed to create several course sites, and personalize them
with the content feed.

But what if you want to restrict access to your sites to just the
students taking those courses? With the ACL (Access Control List)
feed, you can manage sharing permissions. Everything you can do in the
Google Sites admin panel, you can do with the API.


-- Thomas

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