[Building Sakai] [help][SCORM Integrate Sakai]

nguyen Vu Linh linhnv at fsoft.com.vn
Wed Jan 13 00:44:03 PST 2010

Dear Sakai group,

I have trouble When I trying to Deploy SCROM in to Sakai.
At first I run build.bat to deploy in to sakai.The programe get resource
form this link http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sakaiproject/..... But a
fatal error happened : sakaiproject folder is not exist 
The command I ran in build.bat:

MVN install:install-file -DgroupId=com.icodeon.player
-DartifactId=icodeon-player -Dversion=2 -Dpackaging=jar

Please show me how can I get right link 

Thank you and best regards

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