[Building Sakai] Using the Gradebook API

csev csev at umich.edu
Wed Aug 4 05:13:30 PDT 2010

Actually, I am at a much lower level, writing a Sakai web service to read/set/delete grades, the webservice talks to this API:


So we really want to delete the score (i.e. set it to empty and are wasy past asking "are you sure" :).

If you look at 




And see the difference in treatment of the score/comment.

I guess I will look at the GB tool to see how it handles the "emptying" of a cell.


On Aug 4, 2010, at 12:04 PM, John Norman wrote:

> I don't really know enough about how this code works, but if there is /any/ chance the null entry could be created by user error, I would hope a confirmation dialogue (you are about to delete this grading information - continue/cancel?) would be useful. I suspect you are working at a lower level so feel free to ignore me.

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