[Building Sakai] Samigo grading fill in questions with accents problems

Johns, Cheryl cheryl.johns at yale.edu
Tue Apr 27 10:36:50 PDT 2010

We just tested this on nightly and the behavior is the same.  The last question does not get graded properly.

I'll add you to that site as well with your Stanford address.

From: ktsao at hungs.org [mailto:ktsao at hungs.org] On Behalf Of Karen Tsao
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:47 PM
To: Johns, Cheryl
Cc: Developers Sakai-Dev
Subject: Re: [Building Sakai] Samigo grading fill in questions with accents problems

Hi Cheryl,

I cannot reproduce your issue in either Sakai 2.6.x instance or my trunk instance. Can if you give me the instructor and student login of your instance so I can take a look at your instance?

Also, can you please try this in Sakai 2.6.x nightly instance (http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8087/portal) and let me know if you can reproduce your issue there? If you cannot reproduce this in Sakai 2.6.x, you probably missing some patches. What svn revision do you have?

2010/4/27 Johns, Cheryl <cheryl.johns at yale.edu<mailto:cheryl.johns at yale.edu>>
We are using Sakai 2.6.x and are having problems with fill in questions grading properly when the answers have accent characters in them.  Here is an example of the question and how Samigo functions based on how the test is created.

Question:  El actor y humorista Mauricio Borensztein (Tato Bores) {nació} (nacer) en Buenos Aires el 27 de abril de 1927. Desde chico {tuvo} (tener) que salir a trabajar para ayudar en su casa. Antes de {cumplir} (cumplir) diez años ya {había estado|estaba} (estar) abriendo las puertas de los coches en la entrada del Teatro Cervantes. Pese a todo, {pudo} (poder) terminar la escuela primaria, pero no la secundaria.
<br />
A los 18 años {consiguió} (conseguir) trabajo como plomo, el que lleva los instrumentos y las partituras, en la orquesta de Luis Rolero que {amenizó} (amenizar) los programas de Pepe Iglesias en Radio Splendid. En los intervalos, Tato {contaba} (contar) chistes que el grupo {celebraba} (celebrar) ruidosamente. Julio Porter y Pepe Iglesias {se fijaron} (fijarse) en él y al poco tiempo lo {hicieron} (hacer) debutar ante los micrófonos. A través de Porter {se vinculó} (vincularse) paralelamente al teatro Maipo, el cual lo {incorporó} (incorporar) a sus elencos de revista, en los cuales {resplandeció} (resplandecer) con su humor político inyectado de sutilezas.
<br />
En 1957 {comenzó} (comenzar) su labor televisiva en La familia Gesa contando chistes políticos. En 1958, cuando el gobierno de Frondizi {enfrentó|enfrentaba} (enfrentar) una crisis ministerial, {apareció} (aparecer) por primera vez vestido de frac, con habano , lentes y peluca, para estar preparado "por si le {ofrecían|ofrecieran} (ofrecer) algún ministerio", y nunca más {se desentendió} (desentenderse) de ese atuendo.

Scenario 1:  Quiz with 1 question, 1 part
Outcome:  Question scores fine

Scenario 2:  Quiz with 2 questions, 1 part (I put this question in twice)
Outcome:  The first question marks the answer wrong, but when the same answer is put into the second question, it scores as correct.

Scenario 3:  Quiz with 3 questions, 1 part (I put this question in three times)
Outcome:  The first and second questions mark the answer wrong, but when the same answer is put into the third question, it scores as correct.

Scenario 4:  Quiz with 2 questions, 2  parts (I put this question in twice; 1 question in each part)
Outcome:  The first question marks the answer wrong, but when the same answer is put into the second question in the second part, it scores as correct.

I can give someone  guest IDs (both instructor and student) on our server if you want to see the behavior.

Cheryl Johns
Applications Support Manager, Instructional Solutions
The Center for Media and Instructional Innovation
135 College Street, Suite 101
New Haven, CT  06510
Office: 1.203.436.4626

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