[Building Sakai] Deploying Sakai: override kernel classes

Yzelle, Sonette SYzelle at unisa.ac.za
Mon Apr 12 04:12:03 PDT 2010

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Can someone please assist?

We are upgrading from Sakai 2.5.4 to Sakai 2.6.
Now with certain components that was moved to the kernel we are experiencing some problems.
Let me explain.  In version 2.5.4 we had certain classes that we copied over the standard Sakai classes to meet our needs (for example db and event classes).  We copied all those files in our build.sh before we deployed Sakai.  Now with the classes being in a zipped file and being extracted during deployment it is going to be difficult for us the override the standard Sakai classes.  Are there any ideas how we can copy these files or actually where/when will be a good place/time to copy these files?

Help will really be appreciated.


Sonette Yzelle
Analyst Developer
South Africa
email: syzelle at unisa.ac.za<mailto:syzelle at unisa.ac.za>

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