[Building Sakai] Email Template Service and upgrades

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed Oct 14 06:16:55 PDT 2009

Before email template service it used to be the case that the text of  
emails would be stored in i18n properties file. If the email needed to  
be changed during an upgrade (eg 2.4 -> 2.5) then the bundle file  
would get changed and most people would see the improved email.

With the email template service it seems that the first time the  
service is started it installs it's template into the database and  
then if any further changes are made to the template in newer versions  
of Sakai they are not installed into the email template service. This  
is because email template service allows you to customise the template  
while the service is running, so installing a newer template may  
overwrite any locally made changes.

So is there a recommended practice? The simplest one would seem to be  
to change the template ID every time the template in the standard  
distribution is changed and then log a warning if the old template  
doesn't match the one held in the DB.

Matthew Buckett
VLE Developer, Learning Technologies Group

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