[Building Sakai] P.S. --> What's new in Mneme 1.2M4 thru 1.2M6

Vivie Sinou sinou at etudes.org
Mon Nov 23 09:59:51 PST 2009

>>We're running Mneme 1.2M3 in production and I would like to 
>>know whether I should update to Mneme 1.2M6. I can't find a 
>>changelog anywhere. Does anybody have any information about 
>>what is new in M4 - M6?
>>Maarten van Hoof, Edia

Maarten - To answer your question briefly... 

Our work between Mneme 1.2m4 and m6 has to do with code changes in
"archives" (Etudes code) and "site import" to fix cross-references issues --
URL's that point to previous term Resources.

With this x-ref fixing code, we do 'deep harvesting' of resources that are
used in Mneme (upon running "import from site" and "archiving") and we
translate the Resources tool URL's that are hard-coded in Mneme content by
instructors to the new site id. 

I hope that was explained clearly enough. :) Let me know. 


Vivie Sinou 
Executive Director, Etudes, Inc.

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