[Building Sakai] iTunesU contrib tool configuration

Zhen Qian zqian at umich.edu
Tue Nov 17 18:04:54 PST 2009


Have you looked at the readme file in the root

Those are the parameters that you need for configuring the tool: 



You will need to work with the Apple iTunesU team to set up those
variables. I believe the values of some params "iTunesU_site_id" and
"iTunesU_site_sharedSecret", and those credentials params are given by
iTunesU server setup. And you can get "section_handle" and
"template_handle" by issuing the showTree webservices call once and parse
the result. 

A good place to start is the iTunesU admin guide document from Apple
especially the "iTunes U Web Services" section. 


- Zhen 


Zhen Qian 

Software Developer 

University of Michigan 



On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:10:24 -0500, Adin Ray  wrote:   Hello all! I'm
rather new to Sakai (though my institution starting using it through RSmart
a couple years ago) and have been charged with working on some improvements
to our current system. One of the contributed tools that caught our eye was
IU's iTunesU tool (https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/umctx/ [1]).
I've been able to compile it and deploy it into Sakai, but I'm getting
runtime errors when trying to use it. I believe, based on the errors, I
don't have it configured properly. Anyone have an idea of how it needs to
be configured for the individual institution? I've dabbled some in
sakai.properties, but haven't been certain
what needs set since I can't
locate anything too in-depth as far as installation/configuration
instructions for the tool.   Many thanks in advance.   Regards, Adin Ray   
   Adin J. Ray Shepherd University
Instructional Technology   


[1] https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/umctx/
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