[Building Sakai] Internet Explorer 8 - Javascript broking

André Zanchetta andrecomacento at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 06:35:43 PST 2009

Hi all.

I've developed an small toll for sakai which is full of pure javascript and
jquery code.
It was developed with Firefox and worked well. Very well.

However, when I tried to run it on Internet Explorer 8, some javascripts
where broken.
Following the I.E. 8 javascript debugger, it shows that the errors occurs
during the "body onLoad". More precisely: on the
"setMainFrameHeight('Main85ab...')" method. The error: "object Expected".
Afther that error, another one happens on "setFocus(focus_path)": which says
that 'focus_path' is not defined.
As soon as the first error happens, all javascript code is stoped.

I'm not sure, but this 'onload' code seems to be inserted by Sakai.
Is there any way of removing these functions from the onLoad attribute?
Or does someone know where can I find some way to fix this?
Was I the first one who had this problem?

André Della Libera Zanchetta
ReadInWeb - Unicamp - Brazil

PS: I'm really sorry if there is any English error. That is not my native
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