[Building Sakai] SAK-11994 (Set "Reply-to" in email archive messages to the Sakai email address, not the sender)

Owen McGrath owen at media.berkeley.edu
Wed May 13 11:06:24 PDT 2009

We're really delighted to see this new option in Email Archive.
One problem we're seeing in testing, however, is that the Reply-to
address gets fashioned with the wrong hostname. Instead of the hostname
of our LMS, it's using the hostname of an MTA component that
brings the mail to James. [I could see where that would work if
we had email on the same server as our Sakai instances, but we
use the local enterprise email as our mail exchanger.]

For example, instead of setting the Reply-to to:

     test_site_051009_om at sakai-qa.berkeley.edu

it sets it to:

   test_site_051009_om at smtp-out1.Berkeley.EDU

Here's a snippet of catalina.out with logging at DEBUG:

10:54:06,160 DEBUG SakaiMailet:344 - Set Reply-To address to
test_site_051009_om at smtp-out1.Berkeley.EDU

Perhaps I'm just missing a setting? Looking at the revision 51013 commit
for SAK-11994, it appears from the comment that the code is trying to
anticipate different mail service arrangements. I bet mail.getRemoteHost()
would work if delivery was from localhost. But that's not our case:

  // Note: can't use recipient, since it's host may be configured as
mailId at myhost.james
346 	  	                                                 MailAddress
replyTo = new MailAddress( mailId, mail.getRemoteHost() );
347 	  	                                                 M_log.debug("Set
Reply-To address to "+ replyTo.toString());
modifiedHeaders.add("Reply-To: "+ replyTo.toString());

-Owen McGrath

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