[Building Sakai] sites, pages, tools

will trillich will at serensoft.com
Tue Mar 31 18:54:55 PDT 2009

Okay -- this is probably elementary:

Worksites have pages, and pages have tools, right?

Given a tool ID (such as ea052aee-f422-41d5-ad70-97993a2251b6), how do
we figure out which classes and methods to use, in order to find the
worksite that that tool is attached to?

Seems like the ToolManager or Tool class should have a field/method
indicating the page it's on, which should in turn have a field/method
indicating the worksite the page is on. There's not enough meat in the
javadocs to tell what's going on (except on rare occasion, we stumble
into a bit of information but it's seldom).

For example, nightly2 javadocs show how lots of methods in the Tool
class accept a string or return a string, but there's no description
of what the string is expected to be, how it should be used, or what
the output is expected to be. E.g. Tool.getHome() returns a mysterious
string -- would that be a worksite name or id? page id? some other

We were hoping for something like

Pointers would be greatly appreciated.

will trillich
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are
heading." -- Lao Tzu

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