[Building Sakai] URGENT - 2.6.x Fixes to Merge - Unverified - REVISION

Pete Peterson plpeterson at ucdavis.edu
Thu Mar 26 14:08:27 PDT 2009

Sorry, hit the send button too fast, here is the revised numbers:

There are currently 5 blockers (1 security) and 3 critical issues in the Sakai 2.6.x Fixes to Merge - Unverified<http://jira.sakaiproject.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=11820> filter. We need your help to QA these fixes ASAP, so they can be merged into the 2.6 branch.

If you have some testing cycles free, please test and confirm the fix, append your comments to the jira  and set the issue Status to "Closed", so it will show up in the Sakai 2.6.x Fixes to Merge - Verified <http://jira.sakaiproject.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=11821>  filter.

Thank you all very much,

Pete Peterson
QA Director, Sakai Foundation
plpeterson at ucdavis.edu
Phone: +1-530-754-7259

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