[Building Sakai] Sakai load balancing (self fires requests like machne gun).

Ahmed Dini asdini at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 21 22:27:27 PDT 2009

Hello, Everybody,


I have finished integrating Apache with tomcat.  I have two instances of Tomcat running on my machine and I am trying to load balance the two instances using mod_proxy_ajp.


The problem is, if I run one instance of tomcat, everything works fine. But when I run the second tomcat and access it through http://localhost/ apache's url, the gateway page of Sakai starts flushing as if it is firing requesting like a machine gun to apache. I can't click on any link because it is flushing so fast.  

To see if the problem has something to do with my load balancing, I have placed two static index.html files in the Webapp/ROOT directories of both tomcat instances, but, it worked fined. it doesn't flush this time, and every time I refresh manually it shows the index pages in turns. My guess of the problem is that my sakai load balancing settings are not correct, but i don't know where i can set them. I could not  find any thing in the sakai.properties file. Remeber if I shutdown one of the tomcat instances the remaining one works, both will work, it doesn't matter which one I close.  


I have tried all versions of tomcat, 5.5.26 and 5.5.27 with both sakai 2.5.4 and 2.6.0-beta-3.


Please Help. 
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