[Building Sakai] The Switch to Java 1.6

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Thu Mar 19 08:12:37 PDT 2009

The URL below is as far as I can tell a one-person OS X version of the  
BSD port. My sense is that it's fine for a server like Sakai. The  
issues are likely to be with audio and other interactive parts,  
because those are the areas where OS X is unusual. See http://community.java.net/mac/ 
  for more details about Java under OS X. Note that the same person is  
now working with the BSD community so that OS X will be supported by  
future BSD Java releases. In particular, there is now an interim Java  
7 port. They intend to release Java 7 at the same time Sun does.  
Because Apple's Java support has been getting worse and worse, not to  
mention more opaque (does anyone know whether they will ever do 1.6  
for 32-bit Intel?), I'd like to see the community plan on either using  
the BSD port under OS X or do Sakai development on PC hardware.  (I  
have a cheap PC running Solaris on which I do my Sakai work.)

As a Mac user myself, I'd prefer not to let Apple's Java release  
policies constrain Sakai. I'd rather have us tell our Apple  
salespeople that these policies are causing us to plan a move away  
from the Mac as a development system.

On Mar 18, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Matthew Jones wrote:

> http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/static/soylatte/

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