[Building Sakai] tomcat 5.5.27 and sakai 3.

Robert Cohen robert.cohen at anu.edu.au
Tue Mar 17 23:26:07 PDT 2009

Ive been playing with a sakai 3 instance.
I installed in the latest tomcat 5.5 which happened to be 5.5.27

I happened to notice a line in the sakai 2.6 install guide advising you add

to JAVA_OPTS for tomcat 5.5.27, so I tried adding it to my opts.

However, with that option tomcat takes about 10 times longer to start (10-15

So is that option simply a bad idea, or am I hitting some difference between
sakai 2.6 and sakai 3? Or is there something else going on..

Robert Cohen
Systems & Desktop Services
Division of Information
R.G Menzies Building
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