[Building Sakai] RWiki and public access

Johns, Cheryl cheryl.johns at yale.edu
Mon Mar 9 10:57:09 PDT 2009

I'm reading up on how to make a Wiki public, but I don't have a firm grasp on what constitutes a user with the .anon role and how a public wiki would be accessed by such a user.

Do you have to add a user to a site and assign them to the .anon role for them to view the wiki and thus, they would not have access to any of the other site tools?  I know that the .anon role has access to pages like !gateway and !error, but I'm not clear on how this works for the wiki.

Public, I'm guessing, is not synonymous with 'world-readable' in this case.

Thanks in advance.

    Cheryl Johns
    Applications Support Manager, Instructional Solutions


    Center for Media and Instructional Innovation (CMI2)
    Yale University
    135 College Street, Suite 101
    New Haven, CT  06510

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