[Building Sakai] Reaction: Sakai course on CD

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Tue Jun 9 10:09:11 PDT 2009

> From: Mike Ozornin
> Maybe it's possible to change Quizes export to export them
> cryptes with some symmetric-key algorithms.

Depends how strong you need the defence to be.  We looked at this for a project that allowed a student to "detach" a personal learning environment from the parent VLE, and where the student could take some content offline with them.  We chose not to allow answers to be taken offline in a form where they could be used by the PLE.  Our rationale was that, sooner or later, the answer would exist in unencrypted form in the machine's memory; that we had no control over what was looking at that memory (for example, the PLE could be running inside a virtual machine that could be inspected); and that therefore we could not guarantee the security of the answers against disclosure.

                - Peter

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