[Building Sakai] K1 - uitils rationalization?

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Fri Jun 5 02:05:20 PDT 2009

Hi All,

I was looking at the utils classes in the K1 kernel and it strikes me
that we could do with some rationalization in this area to achieve:

1) Remove duplicated functionality
2) Remove custom Sakai code that has the same functionality as standard
java classes (specifically Apache commons libraries)

Some of the ones I noticed:

1) EmptyIterator - present in commons-collections
2) Web.escapeJsQuotes & Validator.escapeJsQuoted() - duplicate code, in
commons-lang StringEscapeUtils, one marked deprecated and buggy (KNL-69)
3) Validator.escapeSql in commons-lang StringEscapeUtils
4) Validator.esapceJavascript in commons-lang StringEscapeUtils
5) Validator.checkEmailLocal in commons-validator
6) StringUtils.split - "Like jdk1.4's String.split..." the javadoc says
it all this is now in the jvm
7) StringUtils.trimToNull & StringUtils.trimToEmpty

This is just a quick survey and I'm sure there more. I Propose that we
start by marking all these as deprecated and point people the the
commons implementation. Thoughts?


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