[Building Sakai] Applications you think handle groups interestingly, badly, well?

Daphne Ogle daphne at media.berkeley.edu
Tue Jul 28 14:30:59 PDT 2009

Hi all,

We will be doing some benchmarking (http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Competitive+Analysis+(a.k.a.+Benchmarking) 
) as part of the work around groups in Sakai 3.  The goal is learn  
from what others have done, not reinvent the wheel (if it's working),  
understand models users will have from these applications and  
hopefully get some inspiration.  We've started a list of potential  
applications to be included in the analysis and would like to get your  
input.  Do you have any you think handle groups interestingly, badly  
or well?  Please add them to the list:


Also, if you have specific reasons for wanting them to be included,  
you can include a brief reason why.  Also, feel free to add specific  
areas of interest for the applications already included in the list.


Daphne Ogle
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at media.berkeley.edu
cell (925)348-4372

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