[Building Sakai] 2.7 Release Discussion - Basic LTI Portlet

csev csev at umich.edu
Wed Jul 22 08:08:50 PDT 2009


With a few cups of coffee in hand I made good progress this morning on  
nailing my "missing bits" on my self-assessed BasicLTI scorecard.

o I internationalized everything in the portlet

o I wrote some administrator documentation - which roughly doubles as  
a simple test script

o Further cleanup and turning debugging into log.debug

What I have yet to do is:

o Write the help entry - this should be easy because the tool is so  
simple and the help is pretty much a subset of the admin doc - but I  
don't exactly know our process for doing this.

o Engage in getting some non-English translations before release (nice  
to have)

I would think that it would be easier to get internationalization  
resources if the PM/PC indicated that this "had a decent chance" of  
getting in.

We will put this into production at Michigan in the next roll after  
2.6 comes up - I am happy to interact with folks (and make a tag) if  
anyone wants to put this in their build and do some further testing.

There is little likelihood that this will cause a performance problem  
because (a) it only uses tool properties and has no additional tables  
or SQL, and (b) the SimpleLTI version of this approach has been in  
production for nearly a year at Michigan with no ill effects.

I expect that with the extremely small code size and low complexity of  
this addition that I can commit to at least two years or more of fully  
supporting this tool to the community with assistance and bug fixing.   
I also fully expect to add similar capabilities to Sakai 3 when the  
time is right.  I already did a feasibility experiment of how to add  
this feature to Sakai 3.


So I am open to comments from the PM, the PC, or the community - and I  
propose to include this in 2.7 and am awaiting being told where to  

Here is the source code:


Here is the documentation:


Let me know.

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