[Building Sakai] 2.7 Release Discussion - Basic LTI Portlet

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Mon Jul 20 05:44:55 PDT 2009

Hi Chuck,

Is there a recommended stable branch for running in production with 2-6-x? We currently have


in our externals - is that the latest & greatest BasicLTI code?

Secondly where would new adopters start with code examples of various BasicLTI clients (e.g. php, perl, etc.)?

It seems to me we'd be targetting two purposes for this, (a) use this tool to bring in someone else's external tools (on App Engine, etc.), or (b) use this tool to write your own integrations (like LinkTool).

In both cases really good, simple documentation seems important.


Stephen Marquard, Learning Technologies Co-ordinator
Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town
Email/IM/XMPP: stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za 
Phone: +27-21-650-5037 Cell: +27-83-500-5290 
>>> csev <csev at umich.edu> 7/20/2009 4:01 AM >>>

I have some functionality I would like to add to 2.7 and am happy to  
be a guinea-pig for the new process for new functionality.

I would like to add a BasicLTI Portlet to 2.7 - This is an evolution  
of the SimpleLTI portlet which has been in production at UM for a  
year.  BasicLTI is going to be an approved IMS spec so I figure it  
makes sense to update the portlet and then get it into Trunk and in  
the release.


Where do I start?


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