[Building Sakai] My Sites duplicated term error

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Fri Jul 17 05:02:47 PDT 2009

Hi all.

I have solved a little problem we had with the My Sites tab in Sakai 
2.5.4, but I'm not sure if I have solved it correctly.

In SiteHandler.java, we have the next lines, in the place where the 
distinct terms (Portfolios, Courses, Projects, etc) are separated:

/if ("course".equals(type))
    term = siteProperties.getProperty("term");

If you haven't terms defined, this value is null.

In macros.vm, in the macro includeTabs, we have the next line:

/   #if ( !$termKey || $termKey == "" )

that should load in My Sites the value "Courses: No Term". But this 
comparation fails randomly, I don't know why, so sometimes you have the 
"Courses: No Term" and others you have the previous value (i.e: 
Portfolios) duplicated, and no courses loaded.

I have got this issue with the same browser and sakai server, in 
different moments, so it seems to be independent of these things.

I have solved it with a simple change in SiteHandler.java:

/if ("course".equals(type))
    term = siteProperties.getProperty("term");
    if (term == null) term="";
but I don't know if this could be a dangerous change or if there is a 
more elegant way to fix that, so I prefer to ask it here.

Any idea about this?
Daniel Merino
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.
Esta carta que te escribo es más larga de lo habitual porque no he 
tenido tiempo para hacerla más corta. (Blaise Pascal)

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