[Building Sakai] Sakai 2.7 Projects

Michael Korcuska mkorcuska at sakaifoundation.org
Thu Jul 2 10:50:12 PDT 2009

As preparation for the project planning meetings next week, I'd like  
to identify those projects that would like to be considered for the  
2.7 release.   I can think of quite a few possibilities at this time:

* Gradebook 2 (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SG2X/Gradebook2 
* Assignments 2 (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/ASNN/Home)
* Terracotta (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/TERRA/Home)
* SiteStats (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/STAT/Home)
* Oxford's "Portal Hierarchy" (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/ 
* OpenSyllabus (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSYL/OpenSyllabus+Home 
* Profile 2 (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/PROFILE/ 
* Conditional Release (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/CR/Home 
* SMS (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SMS/Home)

I'd also like to see if there is interest in getting a very simple  
version of content authoring (page authoring) in 2.7, but no project  
for this really exists at this time. (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SAKDEV/Content+Authoring 

Are there other projects that people would like to see in 2.7? Please  
reply to the list and add the project reference to this wiki page:

Remember that, under the new Product Development process these would  
be classified as R&D projects.  While we are still working out formal  
criteria for moving between the stages, to move to the incubation  
stage is currently quite simple. We essentially require that:

* The project owners declare their interest in having their project  
included in the release
* Documentation for the project is brought up to date on the Sakai wiki
* The project teams commits to creating a plan/schedule for completing  
the project (this doesn't need to be completed to enter incubation,  
but a project won't leave incubation without such a plan)
* At least some members of the community express interest in seeing  
this as part of the standard Sakai release (eventually, even if not  
for 2.7).

 From there we would begin to look more closely at the project to see  
what it would need to do to be considered ready for release. This may  
include looking at technical, design, support, internationalization,  
accessibility and other aspects of the project.

I know we may be significantly changing release procedures (a kernel  
release followed by a series of tool releases) but I don't want this  
thread to spin into a discussion about that. I think we can have a  
useful discussion about what we'd like to see ready for broad  
community use regardless of the release procedures we use.



Michael Korcuska
Executive Director, Sakai Foundation
mkorcuska at sakaifoundation.org
phone: +1 510-931-6559
mobile (US): +1 510-599-2586
skype: mkorcuska

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