[Deploying Sakai] 503 issues when using Forms

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 19:04:07 PDT 2011

Hi all,

We've are receiving constant 503 errors from Apache whenever users test Forms (Sakai 2.8). We have had a look through the catalina.out file but cannot determine what, if anything, is related. Apache logs themselves seem to indicate that Tomcat isn’t sending a valid response:

[Mon Jul 25 19:29:24 2011] [error] ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed
[Mon Jul 25 19:29:24 2011] [error] (120006)APR does not understand this error code: proxy: read response failed from (null) (*)
Example of a 503 error being issued:
- - - [25/Jul/2011:19:26:56 +1000] "GET /portal/site/0d8834c6-b72a-45ef-907e-255abd36bd08 HTTP/1.1" 503 393 "https://sakai.server/portal/site/7f8fe41a-d277-4236-bd73-fdc4b4d1957e" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C)" sakai.app.server 60046902

We are using mod_proxy_ajp. Below is the config.

Any ideas what could be causing this? It seems to be ONLY Forms.


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName  sakai.app.server
    ServerAlias sakai.server
    ServerAlias sakai.server.other.1
    ServerAlias sakai.server.other.2

    DocumentRoot        /var/www/html

    SetEnvIf client-ip ^NS$ REQ_FROM_LB
    SetEnvIf User-Agent nagios DO_NOT_LOG

    LogFormat "%{client-ip}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" %v %A %D" combined_plus

    CustomLog "|cat >> /var/log/httpd/sakai-combined_log" combined_plus env=!DO_NOT_LOG
    ErrorLog "|cat >> /var/log/httpd/sakai-error_log"

    AcceptPathInfo on

    RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ https://sakai.server/portal

    # pass all requests through to local Tomcat on 8009 via AJP
    RewriteEngine   On
    RewriteCond     %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/$
    RewriteRule     ^/(.*)          ajp://localhost:8009/$1 [P,L]


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