[Deploying Sakai] External users provided by LDAP cleanup

Jean-Francois Leveque jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
Thu Aug 4 03:04:38 PDT 2011


Because this issue seams less critical, I've lowered the priority.


On 02/08/2011 23:45, Warwick Chapman wrote:
> Steve, Zhen
> As per your comments on SAK-20957, I connected to Sakai via Tomcat
> directly (8080) and the "An internal server error occurred. Please try
> again later." message did not display.  I suspect this message is
> produced by Pound which I am using as a reverse proxy.
> So then, as the bug report suggest, this is purely an issue of the WARN
> messages in the log and about housekeeping for sites.
> -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094 | http://warwickchapman.com
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Steve Swinsburg
> <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Could the error at least be dropped to debug? It's a known issue
>     that deleted users still hang around in the realms and unlikely to
>     be fixed so tools just need to code around it.
>     It's not really a warning since it doesn't present anything to the
>     user, only to someone watching the logs.
>     cheers.
>     Steve
>     On 03/08/2011, at 12:00 AM, Zhen Qian wrote:
>>     Is there a provider id associated with site/group realm for those
>>     1100 users? If so, you can go to the admin Realms tool to delete
>>     it. That should handle the warning log messages.
>>     According to SAK-2973, deleted users are still member of the site.
>>     However, Site Info tool now won't show the user entry in UI, but
>>     log the "user not defined" warning message instead. However, I
>>     couldn't see the problem of "internal system error" as reported in
>>     SAK-20957.
>>     I tried (1) add/remove internal users; (2) turn
>>     on -Dsakai.demo=true in JAVA_OPTS setting, add the provider id to
>>     site, then remove this setting. Now I got all those "user not
>>     defined" error, but the Site Info tool is still functioning.
>>     Thanks,
>>     - Zhen
>>     On Aug 2, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Warwick Chapman wrote:
>>>     J-F
>>>     I have done this.  Please confirm it is as you require.
>>>     I am stuck in a position now where I cannot get to "Site Info" to
>>>     remove these now ghost participants or add the new ones... Any
>>>     ideas how I get around this for now?
>>>     -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094
>>>     <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094> | http://warwickchapman.com
>>>     <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>     On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Jean-Francois Leveque
>>>     <jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
>>>     <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>> wrote:
>>>         Warwick
>>>         Please upload your PNG file with a .png suffix to the JIRA
>>>         issue and add all relevant comments.
>>>         The change in the error is expected. I'm really not sure
>>>         which way to solve this will be best.
>>>         If there was a way to manually launch removal of one site's
>>>         subscriptions that are not displayed because the user cannot
>>>         be found, I think it would be better. We could then remove
>>>         the MyWS sites for users that have no other site and we could
>>>         then cleanup users that have no site.
>>>         I think the main problem is that Site Info hides the users it
>>>         cannot find without returning any error.
>>>         What do you think?
>>>         Steve, do you think we should now go to the dev list?
>>>         cheers,
>>>         J-F
>>>         On 02/08/2011 11:11, Warwick Chapman wrote:
>>>             Steve, J-F
>>>             Screenie attached.
>>>             I tried removing the removed users from SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP
>>>             but now all
>>>             that happens is that the error messages after the crash
>>>             no longer have
>>>             the EID's but the User ID's which I assume are in each site's
>>>             configuration for participants.
>>>             Surely if a user no longer exists in SAKAI_USER or in the
>>>             SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP it should automatically be removed from the
>>>             participant list of any site?
>>>             The 1100+ errors now dumped look like this:
>>>             2011-08-02 10:54:02,797  WARN http-8080-Processor20
>>>             org.sakaiproject.site.util.__SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>             SiteParticipantHelper.__prepareParticipants: user not defined
>>>             135464b1-7a99-4434-94d0-__95e4316f1243
>>>             2011-08-02 10:54:02,797  WARN http-8080-Processor20
>>>             org.sakaiproject.site.util.__SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>             SiteParticipantHelper.__prepareParticipants: user not defined
>>>             603a7cf8-36f5-4de1-bfaa-__dcd59c59a0ad
>>>             Reading up on increasing the debut level.
>>>             -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094> | http://warwickchapman.com
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>             On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Jean-Francois Leveque
>>>             <jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>>
>>>             wrote:
>>>                I've raised Priority to Critical and added a comment
>>>             with Warwick's
>>>                crash information.
>>>                cheers,
>>>                J-F
>>>                On 02/08/2011 05:57, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>>>                    I'm getting this on internal users as well. I
>>>             added a user to a site
>>>                    then deleted the user via the Admin Users tool and
>>>             in Site Info
>>>                    I get:
>>>                    2011-08-02 13:54:33,838 WARN http-8081-Processor22
>>>                    org.sakaiproject.site.util.____SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>                    SiteParticipantHelper.____prepareParticipants:
>>>             user not defined
>>>                    b52ec79d-940d-4124-9f21-____29092796616c
>>>             https://jira.sakaiproject.org/____browse/SAK-20957
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.org/__browse/SAK-20957>
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.__org/browse/SAK-20957
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-20957>>
>>>                    cheers,
>>>                    Steve
>>>                    On 02/08/2011, at 10:46 AM, Warwick Chapman wrote:
>>>                        Steve
>>>                        Do you have any idea why I'd be getting a
>>>             "crash" when trying to
>>>                        access "Site Info" for one of the project
>>>             sites with such users?
>>>                        All I get is "An internal server error
>>>             occurred. Please try
>>>                        again
>>>                        later." before the list of users spews out
>>>             into catalina.out
>>>                        -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797 094
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094>
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094> | http://warwickchapman.com
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>                        On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 2:07 AM, Steve Swinsburg
>>>             <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.__com
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>>
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.>____com
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.__com
>>>             <mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>>>                            Unfortunately this is a known issue:
>>>             https://jira.sakaiproject.org/____browse/SAK-2973
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.org/__browse/SAK-2973>
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.__org/browse/SAK-2973
>>>             <https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-2973>>
>>>                            (and see linked issues)
>>>                            The tool will probably need a workaround
>>>             for if there is
>>>                        a user in
>>>                            a site but no actual user because they
>>>             have been deleted.
>>>                            cheers,
>>>                            Steve
>>>                            On 02/08/2011, at 8:57 AM, Warwick Chapman
>>>             wrote:
>>>                                Well
>>>                                I have 1100 users in this category and
>>>             now whenever
>>>                            I try to
>>>                                visit "Site Info" for sites which all
>>>             of those users
>>>                            were a
>>>                                member of, all I get is "An internal
>>>             server error
>>>                            occurred.
>>>                                Please try again later." and
>>>             catalina.out gets 1100
>>>                            messages like
>>>                                this:
>>>                                2011-08-02 00:49:25,559 WARN
>>>             http-8080-Processor24
>>>              org.sakaiproject.site.util.____SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>              SiteParticipantHelper.____prepareParticipants: user
>>>                            not defined username1
>>>                                2011-08-02 00:49:25,559 WARN
>>>             http-8080-Processor24
>>>              org.sakaiproject.site.util.____SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>              SiteParticipantHelper.____prepareParticipants: user
>>>                            not defined username2
>>>                                -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27 83 7797
>>>             094 <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094>
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094>
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094> | http://warwickchapman.com
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>                                On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 4:52 PM,
>>>             Jean-Francois Leveque
>>>             <jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@>____upmc.fr <http://upmc.fr/>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>>> wrote:
>>>                                    Hi Warwick,
>>>                                    I've been busy and because this
>>>             doesn't bother
>>>                            users, I
>>>                                    didn't work on it. :(
>>>                                    The only idea I have so far is to
>>>             remove site
>>>                            subscriptions
>>>                                    for those users, but I don't know
>>>             which way is
>>>                            best. I don't
>>>                                    know which other things should be
>>>             removed in
>>>                            order not to
>>>                                    break anything. Haven't tried any
>>>             way of doing
>>>                            this yet.
>>>                                    What do you think ?
>>>                                    J-F
>>>                                    On 01/08/2011 11:55, Warwick
>>>             Chapman wrote:
>>>                                        Hi J-F
>>>                                        I have this same issue now.
>>>             Did you ever
>>>                            find a solution
>>>                                        to this?
>>>                                        -- Warwick Bruce Chapman | +27
>>>             83 7797 094 <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094>
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094>
>>>             <tel:%2B27%2083%207797%20094> | http://warwickchapman.com
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>             <http://warwickchapman.com/>
>>>                                        On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:15 PM,
>>>                            Jean-Francois Leveque
>>>             <jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@>____upmc.fr <http://upmc.fr/>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@>__>____upmc.fr
>>>             <http://upmc.fr/> <http://upmc.fr <http://upmc.fr/>>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque@>____upmc.fr <http://upmc.fr/>
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at __upmc.fr
>>>             <mailto:jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr>>>>>
>>>                                        wrote:
>>>                                        Hi all,
>>>                                        I have external users provided
>>>             by LDAP.
>>>                                        Some are not in the directory
>>>             anymore and
>>>                            I'm getting
>>>                                        messages such as :
>>>                                        2010-09-22 15:53:47,008 WARN
>>>             TP-Processor22
>>>              org.sakaiproject.site.util.______SiteParticipantHelper -
>>>              SiteParticipantHelper.______prepareParticipants: user not
>>>                                        defined ...
>>>                                        2010-09-22 15:54:22,988 WARN
>>>             TP-Processor14
>>>              org.sakaiproject.site.tool.______helper.__managegroupsectionrole.______rsf.GroupListProducer
>>>                                        -
>>>              org.sakaiproject.site.tool.______helper.__managegroupsectionrole.______rsf.GroupListProducer at ______7762e799fillInComponent:
>>>                                        cannot find user with id ...
>>>                                        How can I remove those users
>>>             and at least
>>>                            the data that
>>>                                        leads to those
>>>                                        warnings?
>>>                                        Help with further cleanup of
>>>             data related to
>>>                            those users
>>>                                        is welcome.
>>>                                        Cheers,
>>>                                        J-F
>>>                                        --
>>>                                        Jean-Francois Leveque
>>>                                        Australe CTO (local Sakai)
>>>                                        University Pierre and Marie Curie
>>>                                        France

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