[Deploying Sakai] Installing sakai

Suhas Tumkur Jagadeesh suhatumk at umail.iu.edu
Thu Nov 11 16:37:56 PST 2010


I am trying to install sakai on my local machine.
I have completed all the necessary steps given in Programmer's Cafe (
I am trying to install 2.7.1 version of sakai.
I am able to build (through maven) and run sakai through command line.
But I am not able to run sakai through "eclipse".
I have installed "maven" and "sakai app builder" plugins for "eclipse".
I have tried to create a "Hello World" tool.
The creation is successful but with errors.
error 1: Required projects on the build path:
                                entity-api (missing)
                                user-api (missing)
error 2: error showing in HelloWorldProducer.java - "The import
org.sakaiproject.user cannot be resolved"

Can somebody please help me resolve this issue and give some suggestions on
running sakai through eclipse?

Thanks in advance.

Suhas Jagadeesh
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