[Portfolio] Portfolio Enhancements Request

Beth Kirschner bkirschn at umich.edu
Mon Jun 22 08:36:28 PDT 2009

As mentioned today, I've created two JIRA tickets for some  
enhancements that UMich would like to implement in the Sakai trunk  
(targeting the Sakai 2.7 release). Please let me know by next week's  
OSP conference call if you have any questions or concerns. The JIRA  
tickets below contain descriptions and screenshots:

http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-16608 List of  
presentations needs to differentiate between 'shared' and 'public'  
http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-16610 Create "Review"  
option allowing authorized users to review portfolios

- Beth

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