[DG: Teaching & Learning] Fwd: Lessons Tool Survey

Aurora Collado aurora.collado at nyu.edu
Mon Sep 22 13:02:08 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

This is a reminder regarding the Lessons tool survey. You should all be
able to view and edit the document where we are collecting potential
questions for the survey. Please take a moment to add some questions to
this document.


I added the categories (blue titles) and space under each category for
everyone to start writing potential questions to add to the survey. I also
added a description for each of the categories (gray text) to have a
concept in mind about want type of information we are tying to get from
users  with our questions for each category. The gray text will not be
included with the survey itself it is just for our reference.

I have added a couple of questions to start with and I look forward to
seeing what other questions you have in mind. The thing to remember is that
these are questions related to UI/UX changes, this is, how the interface or
ways of doing things should be changed in order to make the tool more
intuitive and efficient. It is not about adding new functionality.

During the next call on 9/24 we will go over the questions, deliberate
which ones to add, why, how to reward them if necessary, present them,
group them, etc. So, please take a moment to think and add some questions
before the next call on.

Thank you very much in advance for you interest and help with this,

Aurora Collado
Instructional Technologist
New York University
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