[DG: Teaching & Learning] Lessons Tool Survey

Peter Owen Peter.Owen at wits.ac.za
Thu Sep 18 23:26:55 PDT 2014

When I opened the link I was not able to edit the document so could not add anything. So instead, I’m taking the opportunity to mention several aspects of the Lessons tool which I have found frustrating: I hope this is ok?

It appears we do not have Lessons 10 so maybe some of these concerns have been covered, but judging by the survey questions, I suspect not. So here’s my list, based on producing an online version of a heavily illustrated text-book:

1.       Navigation is a huge issue, as it is with any e-learning and especially an online site. Users need to know where they are at any one time and need to be able to access everywhere else all the time. The Index is not accessible enough as you have to navigate away from the page to get it (and the Nav bar doesn’t show sub-pages and anyway gets too long). I solved this by providing my own navigation on each page, giving access to each part of the current chapter, as well as links to each of the other chapters.

2.       Providing text vertically only goes against all the usability rules, and with tablets, phones and screens providing horizontal scrolling, it means that information can be placed horizontally, although again scrolling should be discouraged. This means setting up multiple pages and sub-pages, which is not a problem but again requires better navigation functionality.

3.       All learning is enhanced by the addition of media, but the Editor in the tool is very klunky for adding even just graphics, photos, etc. What is desperately needed is a Slider! The book I set up has lots of pictures, and in a learning environment, it’s a great way to revise the content. If you can scroll through the pictures and recognise them and know the associated content, you won’t waste time revising: but if you don’t recognise the picture or know the content, you can click on the picture, and it will take you straight to that part of the content. My students think this is a great idea, but the only way I could do this in the absence of a slider, was to set up a table with multiple columns and copy the pictures into each column, with a clickable title. It works, but was cumbersome and very time-consuming.

4.       Similarly in the text, to avoid scrolling, I had to use columns in a table in order to have text and pictures on the same screen.

5.       So I have set up a series of templates which I can copy into the dreadful editor: it would therefore be useful to have a variety of templates for users.

6.       As I have mentioned, the Editor is appalling: surely there’s a better one out there?

7.       Again, in order to prevent too much scrolling, and especially if you set up your own navigation, it would be useful to have the option (or to be able to give users the option) of disabling the breadcrumbs, as after a while they take up far too much screen real estate.

8.       Finally, the multimedia content restrictions are a bit of a pain (and can only be added vertically) and I understand how difficult it is but there must be some add-ins to allow for example viewing of a PowerPoint rather than having to download it first?

I have probably violated the rules of collaboration with this list but wasn’t sure how to get these points across or to whom, so my apologies if this list is inappropriate in this forum!



C Peter Owen
Professor Emeritus
Department of Oral Rehabilitation
School of Oral Health Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of the Witwatersrand
7 York Road

Mobile: +27-83-679-2205
Fax: +27-86-553-4800
Skype: c.peter.owen

From: Aurora Collado [mailto:aurora.collado at nyu.edu]
Sent: 18 September 2014 20:30
To: pedagogy at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: [DG: Teaching & Learning] Lessons Tool Survey

Hi all,

The document to collect questions for the Lessons tool survey is now available here


I added the categories (blue titles) and space under each category for everyone to start writing potential questions to add to the survey. I also added a description for each of the categories (gray text) to have a concept in mind about want type of information we are tying to get from users  with our questions for each category. The gray text will not be included with the survey itself it is just for our reference.

I have added a couple of questions to start with and I look forward to seeing what other questions you have in mind. The thing to remember is that these are questions related to UI/UX changes, this is, how the interface or ways of doing things should be changed in order to make the tool more intuitive and efficient. It is not about adding new functionality.

During the next call we will go over the questions, deliberate which ones to add, why, how to reward them if necessary, present them, group them, etc. So, please take a moment to think and add some questions before the next call on 9/27.

Thank you very much in advance for you interest and help with this,


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