[DG: Open Forum] Favorite Markup Language

Zach A. Thomas zach at aeroplanesoftware.com
Mon Apr 26 12:48:31 PDT 2010

On Apr 26, 2010, at 2:32 PM, csev wrote:

> Markdown syntax colors in TextWrangler (for those of us who do not bow to the TextMate gods).
When it comes to programming tools, I am an atheist.

> What I think I need most for something like MarkDown is a programmable way to use the MD parser and do whatever I want and also a way for me to embed some bits that can be comments when going from MD to HTML but can be activated when I go to LaTeX or EPUB.
> I am writing a book - not programmer documentation - so I am harder to please.

Someone has written an extended version of Markdown that may close some of the gaps for you:


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