[WG: I18N & L10N] Single quotes issue with crowdin

Alex Ballesté alexandre.balleste at udl.cat
Tue Apr 1 01:22:13 PDT 2014

Hi, we detected an strange behaviour in crowdin that makes translation 
more difficult for us.

In sakai (or other java system that uses Message properties), when an 
string bundle has an operator like {0} in the sentence and also contains 
single quote characters ' ,  all this characters must be escaped putting 
2 single quotes. It's a bit tricky because only works for sentences with 
{} operators.

Example of how to write single quotes in order to be printed correctly:


newope=La nova data d''obertura de l''activitat ''{0}'' \u00E9s {1}

newassig.opedat=Data d'obertura

french :

newope=Nouvelle date d''ouverture {1} pour le devoir ''{0}''.

newassig.opedat=Date d'ouverture

When you look at crowdin web you see:

La nova data d'obertura de l'activitat '{0}' és {1}


Data d'obertura

It seems correct at first look. You can think that later it'll  handle correctly in the download, but when you download the zip file you got.

newope=La nova data d''obertura de l''activitat ''{0}'' \u00E9s {1}  (OK it was escaped)

newassig.opedat=Data d''obertura  (UPPPSSSS it must not be escaped)

Is there a solution for this? We didn't find any options to handle that. 
Do you know how to do it correctly? We will try to correct it manually 
if there isn't a valid solution, but it's a lot of work.

Thanks in advance.


Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén  alexandre.balleste at udl.cat
Universitat de Lleida
Àrea de sistemes d'Informació i Comunicacions

University of Lleida
Information and Communication Systems Service
Analyst / Programmer

Tlf: +34 973 702148
Fax: +34 973 702130

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