[WG: I18N & L10N] [Building Sakai] Auto synch Crowdin with SVN

Jean-Francois Leveque jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
Mon Dec 9 02:50:55 PST 2013

Hi Mark,

Could you add more details to your proposal and your description of 
OAE's use of Crowdin?

Are OAE translation updates pull requests?

If it's the case and because Sakai doesn't currently have such a 
possibility. How do you think we should do?

Could you detail the workflow within Crowdin for a translation to be 
ready for commit to SVN?


Jean-Francois Leveque
Sakai Internationalization and Localization Coordinator
University Pierre and Marie Curie

On 06/12/2013 08:54, Mark Breuker wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you may be aware the i18n community has started using Crowdin
> recently for translating Sakai [1]. There are currently 19 translators
> registered that are using this tool for online translations. However,
> the current proces requires downloading the translated files from
> Crowdin and then manually committing them to SVN (if the translator has
> SVN commit permission - most don't) or creating a patch in Jira with a
> merge request.
> It would be great if we could integrate Crowdin with the automated build
> process of Sakai in such a way that updated source files are
> automatically uploaded to Crowdin and translations are downloaded from
> Crowdin and then committed to SVN. This is quite easy to do because
> Crowdin provides a command line tool [2][3] to synch files between
> Crowdin and source repositories. The OAE community is also using Crowdin
> and already has integrated Crowdin in their automated build proces.
> Are there any objections to this proposal? If not, who can set this up?
> Kind regards,
> Mark
> [1] http://crowdin.net/project/sakai-cle
> [2] http://crowdin.net/page/cli-tool
> [3] https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/M4IPBQ
> Mark Breuker
> Functioneel Consultant
> Tel.: +31 71 5451 203
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