[Contrib: Evaluation System] THIS IS IT! Kickoff for Teaching Evaluation 1.4 - TQ Test Fest

Crouch, Catherine crouch at umich.edu
Mon Feb 20 13:56:19 PST 2012

For everyone that's currently running EVALSYS on your local version of Sakai and for those that are previewing the system for a future implementation:

Please join in and participate in this Testing Event.  Even if you can only test one or two features in the Evaluation System - ALL feedback is vital and necessary to ensure an effective 1.4 Release.

All information related to the TQ Test Fest is outlined in Confluence at this site:  https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/EVALSYS/Teaching+Evaluations+1.4+-+TQ+Test+Fest

The site includes the following information:

*  How to get started
*  Where to document issues found during the Test Fest in JIRA
*  General Information and Overview about the Evaluation System
*  Steps to take before you begin 
*  Explanation about the Evaluation Dashboard
*  Sign Up Sheet
*  Links to the TQ 1.4 Release - Test Plan

The Test Plan is a google spreadsheet and should be used to record all test results.  Please review the Information page before you begin.

***  In addition to the features in the Test Plan, we would welcome a volunteer to test a New Feature for this release - "Synchronize Group Memberships".  The eval group provider checks whether a user has a MyWorkspace and adds it if they don't.  It also checks whether the user's MyWorkspace site includes the evaluations tool and adds it if it doesn't.  This feature includes 3 options for syncing eval group memberships:   By trigger/event, By time and state, and Quick sync 
Please contact myself or Jim Eng (jimeng at umich.edu) for more information.

Happy Testing!



Catherine Crouch
Business Systems Analyst
Teaching and Learning 
Information & Technology Services
University of Michigan
(734) 763-0803

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