[Contrib: Evaluation System] New evaluation features from oxford to be added to TRUNK

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jul 12 05:50:21 PDT 2011

In my notes from an evaluations phone conf in early June, I have the following:

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/EVALSYS-1007 is good to merge 'as is'

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/EVALSYS-987 is good to merge 'as is'

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/EVALSYS-976 - this can be merged to trunk but only if the error message is improved. Ideally the error message should highlight which user(s) do not have accounts. We will confirm that this is possible and if not, suggest an alternative.

https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/EVALSYS-853  - this can be merged but only after a change of wording (in both UK and US). Where we have 

	"All roles may take the survey" 

(on Administrate page) and 

	"All roles may take the survey 
	Allow site members with the maintain and contribute role to take this survey (in addition to access users) "

(on Survey Settings page). The committed version should have

	"Optionally override permissions and allow site members with the eval.be.evaluated permission to respond" 

(on Administrate page) and 

	"Allow evaluators to respond
	If assigned to a site then all members will be able to respond to this survey"

Comments have we?


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