[Contrib: Evaluation System] Eval Administrator

Richard C. Moyer II rmoyer at umd.edu
Fri Nov 12 09:07:24 PST 2010

We're working on EVALSYS-809, the creation of an Eval Administrator.   A screen shot for this is attached to this issue.

This screen will be available under the administrate screen and will have the sakai default user, admin, loaded during the initial data preload.

This issue currently lists the following actions as restricted to the Eval Admin:

1.    Access to the Administrate Screen and all actions / links on that screen, including

Search - Find individual and sets of evaluations based on various parameters (Title, Subject code, open/close dates, instructor involved)
Data Import - Load data (templates, evals, etc.)
Control Reporting - - Find submission results (counts) for individual students and classes
Control Email Settings - Modify email parameters and templates

2.    My Evaluations

- View properties of an evaluation (Status, Email Sent status)

- Modify evaluation dates (open date if the eval has not yet opened, close date if it has not yet closed)

3.    My Email Templates

4.    - Determine the status of system tasks (e.g. the loading of data, if the email job ran, on which server, for how long, how many emails were sent and to whom)

Other screens / actions which should be restricted to an Eval Admin?

Thoughts or comments,

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