[Contrib: Evaluation System] Problems with EVALSYS

Aaron Zeckoski aaronz at vt.edu
Mon Feb 22 09:32:36 PST 2010

We have a few translations for this tool so maybe someone else who has
done one can help you. What version of the code are you doing the
translation for? (It should probably be trunk) What version of Sakai?
(2.6.2 release should work well)
Did you try setting your locale to en_US just to make sure it works ok
like that? (it is definitely working fine for me and my locale is


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Jaime Lozano Calleja
<jaime.lozano at setival.com> wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> My name is Jaime Lozano, I'm working on the translation into Spanish of the tool EVALSYS for sakai.
> But I find RSF errors and does not seem to find any label. I get errors like:
> 2010-02-22 17:46:17,273 WARN (SpringMessageLocator.java:48) - <Failed to look up message controlitems.page.title in message bundle org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource: basenames=[]>
> There seems to find the directory where the properties files are for any language. I have tried to modify the applicationContext.xml, but I get similar results. This is my applicationContext.xml code:
>     <bean id="messageLocator" class="uk.org.ponder.springutil.SpringMessageLocator">
>         <property name="messageSource">
>             <bean
>                 class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource">
>                 <property name="basename"
>                     value="classpath:org/sakaiproject/evaluation/tool/bundle/messages" />
>                 <property name="cacheSeconds" value="10" />
>             </bean>
>         </property>
>         <property name="localeGetter" ref="requestLocaleProxy" />
>     </bean>
> Thanks for your help,
>                Jaime Lozano Calleja
>  Jaime Lozano Calleja
> jaime.lozano at setival.com
> www.samoo.es
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Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at) vt.edu)
Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge
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