[cle-release-team] Sakai Trunk in Transition

Bryan Holladay holladay at longsight.com
Thu Feb 13 05:23:30 PST 2014

Works for me too!  Thanks Beth and Matt!

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 6:59 PM, Anthony Whyte <arwhyte at umich.edu> wrote:

> Yeah, me too.
> anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan |
> arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228
> On Feb 12, 2014, at 3:57 PM, John Bush wrote:
> that fixed the problem for me.
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com>
> wrote:
> Okay, I think I got (a) fixed for svn and contrib. (changed ownership of
> the
> files that were root in these directories back to apache)
> Let me know if how it goes with the other parts!
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com>
> wrote:
> Yeah, bummer,
> a) This should be resolvable, do you have my Skype? Send me a message and
> let me know what you think should be done as I think I have root here.
> b) It sounds like we're stuck with this unless we want to shut down the
> svn repo, dump and try to re-filter that. Since we're going to have to move
> soon anyway, I'd just make note of the first and last revision that this
> happened and we can filter and fix this then?
> c) Not sure about this, maybe it will work after (a) is resolved
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Kirschner, Beth <bkirschn at umich.edu>
> wrote:
> a) Resolve commit problem
> b) Remove empty revisions, but this might not be possible. Empty
> revisions were removed during the svndumpfilter process, but apparently
> added as placeholders during the failed load.
> c) Find how to load the two repos (external-calendaring-service and
> hierarchy) that were moved while in contrib
> I guess no good deed goes unpunished. Ideas welcome. I'll continue
> digging.
> - Beth
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> John Bush
> 602-490-0470
> ** This message is neither private nor confidential in fact the US
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