[cle-release-team] SAK-22978

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Wed Jan 23 05:25:34 PST 2013

I don't think we should have random properties to turn off things that
might be an issue but are currently not. Considering the other areas
of Sakai which are much worse performance issues than this it seems
like we are stuck on this topic. I suggest that unless there are
current performance problems with this specific feature that we drop
this and move on to other more pressing issues for this release.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Noah Botimer <nbotimer at unicon.net> wrote:
> I agree, but I think we already have a way to manage badly behaved tools.
> My feeling is that we should be most concerned with the core release here.
> I'd hesitate to put in a global kill switch to protect specific core
> functionality from a theoretical, defective add-on. I'm quite sure that no
> one has implemented a contrib provider yet.
> There is already an amount of effort and familiarity required to run any
> given contrib tool, so it doesn't particularly bother me to use the
> mechanism in place: just don't register the troublesome provider. I think
> that keeps the focus, responsibility, and fix closest to the potential
> issue. Now that we're pretty confident in the general, core performance, I
> think this is the way to go.
> I think this, along with many other things, is up for consideration if we
> get to the point where we have cluster-wide, runtime configuration.
> For the hacky amongst you, it's possible to manage an emergency at runtime
> to avoid a restart. Drop a JSP somewhere, get the
> GradebookExternalAssessmentService bean, and unregister the flaky provider.
> Then you could prepare for a scheduled restart in relative calm.
> Thanks,
> -Noah
> On 01/22/2013 08:12 PM, Matthew Jones wrote:
> I think the only thing that concerned me about *removing* the property
> rather than switching the default, is that if some other tool went and
> implemented the isAssignmentGrouped in their provider that we didn't know
> about yet, and had bad performance (say a contrib tool or something) there
> would be no way to turn off this feature. Say if mneme or something did it,
> just as an example.
> I want to have seen the end of this, but it just feels like we might not
> have seen the end . . .  ;(
> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Neal Caidin
> <nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org> wrote:
>> Hi Noah,
>> Yes, those properties are indeed a mixed blessing. I guess if nobody has
>> any objections then we should simply inform the CLE release team?
>> Neal

Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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