[cle-release-team] Most indies are released now

Maurer, Christopher Wayne chmaurer at iupui.edu
Wed Dec 21 19:11:54 PST 2011

Some were taking a while for me as well.  I think kernel took about an hour, and I was in the office.  I got tired of waiting that long, so ran them like this:
mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform -Dgoals=deploy

Doing the -Dgoals=deploy skips the site creation/uploading portion and speeds things up.  Probably an okay thing to do for betas, and possibly even the RCs, but certainly wouldn't do that for the official releases.
I think most of them were all under 20 minutes (from home).  I wish I still had the timing info to tell you for sure.


From: Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com<mailto:steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:43:52 +1100
To: Chris Maurer <chmaurer at iupui.edu<mailto:chmaurer at iupui.edu>>
Cc: "cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org<mailto:cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org>" <cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org<mailto:cle-release-team at collab.sakaiproject.org>>
Subject: Re: [cle-release-team] Most indies are released now


Out of interest, how long is it taking to release each one?

A few weeks ago I was having major dramas, it was talking almost an hour to release a single project when it used to take only a few minutes. I've only had these problems when I upgraded to OS X Lion because something changed, and that was one reason for making the switch to scpexe for releasing as well.

Could you let me know how long it takes for a decent size one, say site stats?


On 22/12/2011, at 12:34 PM, Maurer, Christopher Wayne wrote:

Ok all, I've got most of the indies finally released.  The ones I have not done are the following:
2.9-jsf111 (didn't seem necessary)

I need to release content-review before doing assignment.  Then, samigo needs assignment and webservices needs samigo.
Basiclti, profile2 should be able to go whenever.  Lessonbuilder would then go last, I think.
Who is in charge of content-review?  Horwitz?

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