[Announcements] Sakai Meet-up at ALA Mid-Winter in Boston?

Jim Eng JIMENG at umich.edu
Wed Dec 23 15:42:58 PST 2009

In an email we received a couple weeks ago, someone mentioned interest  
in a meet-up of Sakai library folks at the American Library  
Association's Mid-Winter Conference in Boston next month.  I will be  
in Boston during the conference, and if anybody is interested in a get- 
together, I'd be interested in attending and I'd be glad to help  
organize it.

I worked with the Sakaibrary group over the past couple years helping  
develop the Citations Helper and other efforts. I'd be glad to answer  
questions about that or help people find information.

If you will be in Boston for ALA and you might be interested in such a  
meet up, please reply to me.  If I hear from people, I will try to  
organize something at a restaurant or hotel near the convention center.



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