[WG: Accessibility] accesskey question

Stores, Mary A. mstores at indiana.edu
Mon Aug 12 08:26:46 PDT 2013


I am not opposed to adding the more sites accesskey.

In looking at the PayPal thing, I have to say I am not a huge fan. I think there are a few more steps added just to access accesskeys. I thought accesskeys were supposed to make this easier. But the way the PayPal people have it set up is that when using JAWS 14 and IE 10,or using JAWS 14 and Firefox, you have to expand the accesskey menu first, then see what’s there, then activate that key. In doing all this, you are stuck in an ARIA menu which you have to deactivate using Forms Mode with JAWS. In addition, the Alt+0 accesskey is announced in both browsers, but when you expand the menu to see the other Skipto options, there are no accesskeys announced. I am not sure if this is the case for sightlings.


From: accessibility-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org [mailto:accessibility-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org] On Behalf Of Gonzalo Silverio
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:57 AM
To: accessibility at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: [WG: Accessibility] accesskey question


We have a request to add another accesskey to the Sakai portal:


To review, we have the following accesskeys defined already:

jump to content [c]
jump to tool list [l]
jump to site tabs [w]

This would add:

jump to more sites drawer [m]

A possibility is to group all these functions into a single accesskeyed menu that then could be navigated. The model is from a screen reader developer:


We discussed these possibilities at the last conference. Joe Humbert  (IUPUI) pointed that it would add a few keystrokes for the most commonly used accesskey (jumping to content). So perhaps we should consider having 2, one to open the menu, the other to go to the content.


- Gonzalo
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