[WG: Accessibility] accesskey question

Gonzalo Silverio gsilver at umich.edu
Mon Aug 12 07:56:44 PDT 2013


We have a request to add another accesskey to the Sakai portal:


To review, we have the following accesskeys defined already:

jump to content [c]
jump to tool list [l]
jump to site tabs [w]

This would add:

jump to more sites drawer [m]

A possibility is to group all these functions into a single accesskeyed
menu that then could be navigated. The model is from a screen reader


We discussed these possibilities at the last conference. Joe Humbert
 (IUPUI) pointed that it would add a few keystrokes for the most commonly
used accesskey (jumping to content). So perhaps we should consider having
2, one to open the menu, the other to go to the content.


- Gonzalo
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